09 January 2014

My personal travelling tips (15 tips to save you a lot of trouble when abroad)

If you love traveling just like me, you probably got here googling something related to traveling. I love traveling, who doesn't? But often i forget many things that are necessary to any traveler. It's the small things that makes the difference, you're packing and you think that you're ready to go just because you packed the essential and big things like clothes or shoes, but then again, you didn't realize that what you don't use on your everyday activities might come in handy when you travel, And it also depends of where and how you're traveling. I learned this the hard way, so I'm writing to make it easier on others and I hope this list can be useful to anyone who reads it.

 1. Nail clipper: One of the most important things to have on you, is a nail clipper, you might think it isn't really important, but imagine having your nails growing longer than you think, especially in summer, they grow very fast, and sometimes it can be very embarrassing or painful when they do, it doesn't take space but it's sure very useful to have.

2. The right clothes for the right season: So where are you going? Will it be hot or cold there? If you know exactly when you're going, check the weather for that location at that time when you'll be there, don't make assumptions and don't count on somebody Else's opinion or previous experience, check online websites for weather in that location, close your eyes and imagine what do you want to see your self wearing there, make sure not to take extra or unnecessary clothes they can be a burden, And one important thing to keep in mind, in certain countries, some clothes may offend locals or makes you uncomfortable while walking down the street passing by people who stare at you. So try to keep that in mind when you do your search about your destination. 

3. Phone/Laptop charger: I know you may say 'I got it' but hey, this is really important, If you're taking your mobile or laptop with you, make sure to bring the chargers, this is not a joke, specially for the phone, I suffered a few times just because i forgot the phone charger, i couldn't make calls, or find a place who sells phone chargers to solve my problem, and i couldn't leave my phone at a public charger or with someone to charge it for me. So when it comes to trips, telecommunications is the key, without it, you're officially Lost.

4. Pillow covers: This does not apply to everyone and does not apply to every trip. But, if you're traveling on low budget, and had to sleep at a cheap motel or hostel, Take it from me, i know that motels and hostels does not wash their pillow covers and sheets after every person, they often tend to cut cost, so for some if it looked clean, they'll keep it in use. If you think for one second that you'll be staying at a cheap place or you're counchsurfing and you care about your higeen take a couple of pillow covers with you.

5. Swiss knife: Needless to say, a swiss knife is a man's best buddy in travels, It can and most probably it will come in handy, you might need to crack a can, cut something, or even use it for protection. I, my self i have used it open a can of beans that i bought from some store when i was traveling. I didn't need to buy another tool to crack it, i had my best buddy with me, the swiss knife. But be careful, when flying, don't keep it in your carry-on or backpack, they will take it away from you, and never return it, you swiss knife must remain in your big bag during your time in the plane.

6. Ear plugs: Imagine your self, booking a hotel somewhere, and when you got there, you went to sleep to have some rest, and at night you found out that your hotel was next to a rail road, or close to a construction site, or maybe a couple in the room next to you are making love and and it's just too loud! Your earplugs might be the best solution here, you have no idea how useful they can be, because when you're in a situation where you can't control the loud noise around you and you really want to rest, earplugs can reduce up to 85% of the surrounding noises.

7. A scarf: No, it's not a silly idea, and it's certainly not only for women, in most places even in summer, it often gets windy or cold at night, and for me, the most important area to cover and keep warm is my neck, this is how i often see people get sick, they can be very warm from every part of their bodies but they get sick the next day just because their nick was exposed to the cold air, and it's really unpleasant to be sick during your travels, It usually takes more time to heal when you're not in your own territory because of many reasons. So avoid exposing your nick area to the cold air and it will definitely save you a lot of trouble. 

8. Basic medicine: Who doesn't get a headache from time to time? We all do! Keep some aspirin or panadol with you in the bag, and trust me, you won't regret it. Also, keep one or two kinds of herbs like sage and rosemary. In the Middle eastern culture people have sage a lot when they get sick because of it's many benefits, It's an instant healer for so many illnesses like stomach ache or cold. Just drop some leaves in some hot water and you're good to go. 

9. Non-Perishable Snacks: It's just food, and you might think, "hey, i'll buy some from a nearby grocery or a store" But trust this; A few snacks won't harm you, as a matter of fact you will probably be in a situation where you're hungry and too tired to move your self to a nearby store, Or maybe you don't have change, or you're even short on money! Buy a handful of snacks and throw them at the bottom of your bag, and you will see how they will serve you and put a smile on your face on a certain point.

10. A source of entertainment: On your travels, you will be in a situation where you will spend time waiting, maybe for a train, a plane, a bus or even someone! Make sure to carry something to waste your time with because you wouldn't want to die of boredom, now would you?
Think of something that can keep you entertained for a few hours just in case. A few suggestions; can be a book, phone, laptop, a sketch book with some colors to draw, a music player, or even a Nintendo. Just figure out something that could keep you busy in case you had to sit and wait.

11. A GPS or a map: This one is very important, especially if you had to rent a car to drive around. The GPS on my samsung young, saved my life - (not literally) - and saved me a lot of time i could have wasted asking people for directions, and sometimes the circumstances and conditions of the area or country that you're in, won't allow you to stop and ask for directions. One bad thing happened to me, that someone intentionally led me to a wrong direction, and i spent more than 1 hour driving until i realized it was wrong. If you are to ask, ask more than one person, even if the first one seemed to be nice and so sure. That is why the GPS or a map won't fail you, so i strongly recommend that you study the road you're about to take, and have a GPS or a map with you on that trip.

12. Don't sleep in a hotel/hostel if the area looked too suspicious for you: We all want to save money, even the rich! But here, i'm talking about hostels and motels again, Sometimes you pick a hotel in the daylight because it's cheap, you just want to spend one or two or maybe three nights there, but you need to be careful here, because the night is not as safe as day. Some areas around the world are safe during the day and dangerous at night, like 'Oakland, CA'. Be sure to pick a place close to a main street, a mall, a police station, something that does not look suspicious, Google it before you stay at it, ask the reception, do your research, unless you want to live 'I am legend' during your travels, trapped in all night because it isn't safe out there, try to pick a place that you can walk in or out of at all times, not worrying that you will get robbed or stabbed if you don't play kung-fu.

13. Your money and passport should remain by your body at all times: When you travel to a foreign country, your survival depends on two things, your money and your passport. Don't you ever, place your money in your big bag, or wallet, get one of these hidden bags that hangs off your nick, one that can be hidden under your clothes, and put your passport and money in it. Even though it might not be so comfortable, but your safety and return insurance is much more important than your comfort.

14. When getting into a Taxi, make sure they turn the counter on right away or get off the vehicle: It happens, everywhere, that Taxi drivers would want to take an advantage of a foreigner just because he or she doesn't look local, Taxi drivers often do that, you get into a taxi and even after you name your destination and they drive off, they don't turn on the counter, So you need to pay extra attention, Once you get in a taxi cab, you need to ask them to turn it on, if they didn't, tell them to pull over - You can learn how to say pull over in their language before putting your self in that situation - And if they seemed to be a threat, shout, act crazy and threaten them, show an aggressive body language, only then they will know that you can be more trouble than a benefit to them, and they will pull over to let you go.

15. Don't roam, Buy a local sim card with a good package: Yes! Do not use the roaming on your sim-card, the one you bring from your home country! Why? because it's so damn expensive! So what to do? Take a trip to a telecommunication company, not only one, but try more than one, get a few deals and compare, which has the best connection, more minutes and less prices, which one will charge you less for when you call your homeland? ask as many questions as you want! don't be shy, they're there to help you, You don't have to activate the roaming on your own number when you go outside the country unless you're willing to pay so much money, But if you'd like to keep your own number on because you receive whatsapp and text messages on it, You may want to consider buying a cheap none-smart phone for the new local line, this way you will have both in service, and you can receive from one and send from the other to spare your self the big roaming bill. A cheap phone can be a basic Nokia, these phone can last for days with one time charge. 

Share you opinion about my tips :) 

P.S: you can quote from me, but please be kind and mention the source.